Monday, June 29, 2009

wonders in Finland

Whew, I just yesterday came back from a hitch-hiking trip in Northern Carelia and Middle Finland. It was great. Met with a lot of people interested in the stuff I am, warm-hearted, nature-loving people... First I was with people from this group called Juurielo, they're interested in ancient Finnish culture (partly agrarian, partly pre-agrarian), and self-sufficient community lifestyle. We hiked in Koli, it was so stunningly beautiful... lots of elevation and great views and diverse nature and we also rowed a few days on these long boats called "kirkkovene", "church boat", which people used to use every sunday when they went to church across the lake (not to say I would dig churches). And sang some olde folk songs all the while. Then I went to Juuka and hung out with my two friends who do permaculture by themselves, I'm surprised by the vastness of their knowledge about self-sufficiency. Then I went to Saarijärvi to these Stone Age days, there's a kind of outdoors museum, a whole simulation of a Finnish Stone Age village, made according to the foundings they ave of the actual stone age village remnants that have been found on the island. I loved it!! I met some people who practice stone age tecniques that I've been mailing a bit with before... they had cool shows about flint knapping and all this cool gear and it was so cool... and they were nice too.
Then I hitch-hiked back to Helsinki, came home yesterday night. And I'm pretty tired but radiating happiness about seeing all this good stuff happening so near me.

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